
We provide qualified analysis, opinions and practical advice in the matters of business law in accordance with the specificities of Slovak law. Our clients always get full-fledged legal services which help them to do their business smoothly.

European Law

We have years of extensive experience in applying mandatory standards of European law within the conditions of Slovak legal code. And that is one of the reasons why we are the only local Law Firm whose services are used by the European Community.

Real Estate

Development and acquisition of real estate are often associated with risks that can be reduced by experienced lawyers. We perform legal audit, preparation of transactional documentation and also legal assistance in connection with building permission process, or the assessment of environmental impact.

Public Sector

The authorities of state administration and local self-government are such institutions upon which the law imposes an obligation to provide public services. The changes in the legislative environment, which have occurred since Slovakia entered the European Union, impose requirements on public sector which often need the assistance of an experienced law firm.


Our services are used by clients doing business in the energy sector and network industries. We provide them legal assistance not only for their investments in the construction or reconstruction of power units and renewable energy sources, but also in obtaining the necessary licenses to operate those facilities.


Life and health we value the most, and so our team deals with this legal discipline, too. We provide advice to public health insurance subjects and health care providers, so that they can perform high quality services for us, the citizens.


Litigation is usually the last possible solution to “a deadlock” of legal status. Each case is in itself a certain degree of risk and uncertainty. However, if all attempts at an amicable settlement have failed, feel free to contact us about judicial proceeding or arbitration.

Labor Law

Good relationship between employer and employees, and mutual understanding of needs of others is an important prerequisite for achieving good company results. We help our clients, employees or employers, to find the right balance in their employment relations.


If a good business idea wants to make its ambitions true, it is necessary to support it. The start-up scene is close to us since we have been successfully present in it for several years. By our qualified legal advice we are able to build connections between start-uppers and investors who are willing to create space for a new business.